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Scholar: B Höhle
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reviewed journals
Tarter, M., Langus, A., Höhle
(accepted) Prosody outweighs statistics in 6-month-old German
learning infants’ speech segmentation. Infancy.
Ö., Krasotkina, A., Götz, A., Höhle,
& Schwarzer, G. (2024) Differences in the interplay of face
and speech processing in 5-year-olds and adults. International
Journal of Behavioral Development. DOI:
A., Krasotkina, A., Schwarzer, G. & Höhle,
(2024) Asymmetries in infants’ vowel perception: Changes in
vowel perception in German learning 6- and 9-month-old infants.
Language and Speech. DOI: 10.1177/00238309241228237
M., Leher, S., Tsui, A., Altuntas, E., Burnham, D., Cannistraci,
R., Chin, N.G., Fernández-Merino, L., Götz, A., Gustavsson,
L., Hay, J., Höhle,
Kager, R., Lai, R., Liu, L., Marklund, E., Nazzi, T., Santos
Oliveira, D., Olstad, A., Picaud, A., Schwarz, I.-C., Tsao,
F.-M., Wong, P., & Woo, P.J. (2023) The development of
tone discrimination in infancy: Evidence from a
cross-linguistic, multi-lab report. Developmental Science e13459
J., & Höhle, B. (2022) The interplay between language
acquisition and cognitive development. Infant Behavior and
Development 67, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2022.101718
M., Höhle, B., & Langus, A. (2022) Pupillary entrainment
reveals individual differences in cue weighting in 9-month-old
German-learning infants. Cognition 224.
M., & Höhle, B. (2022) Testing prosodic development with
the Headturn Preference Procedure: A test-retest reliability
study. Infant and Child Development 2022;e2362.
B., Fritzsche, T., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Hullebus, M., &
Gafos, A. (2021) Respect the surroundings: Effects of phonetic
context variability on infants’ learning of minimal pairs.
JASA Express Letters 1(2).024401
M., Hofmann, A., Verissimo, J., Männel, C., Friederici, A. D.,
& Wartenburger, I. (2021) Children’s learning of
non-adjacent dependencies using a web-based computer game
setting. Frontiers in Psychology 12:734877.
A., & Höhle,
(2021) Object individuation and labelling in 6-month-olds.
Behavior and Development,
65, 101627,
A., Götz, A., Höhle,
& Schwarzer, G. (2021) Perceptual narrowing in face- and
speech-perception domains infancy: A longitudinal approach.
Behavior and Development,
64, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2021.101607
M, Männel, C., van der Kant, A., Mueller, J. L., Höhle,
Wartenburger, I., & Friederici, A. D. (2021). Gradual
development of non-adjacent dependency learning during early
childhood. Developmental
Cognitive Neuroscience
100975. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2021.100975
Omane, P., & Höhle, B. (2021) Acquiring syntactic
variability: The production of wh-questions in children and
adults speaking Akan. Frontiers
in Communication.
A., Götz, A., Höhle,
& Schwarzer, G. (2021) Bimodal familiarization re-sensitizes
12-month-olds infants to other-race faces. Infant Behavior and
Development, 62, 101502,
M., Paul, M., Höhle, B., & Wartenburger, I. (2020). Common
ground information affects reference resolution: Evidence from
behavioral data, ERPs, and eye-tracking. Frontiers
in Psychology,
3378. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.565651
der Kant, A., Männel, C., Paul, M., Friederici, A. D., Höhle,
& Wartenburger, I. (2020) Linguistic and non-linguistic
non-adjacent dependency learning in early development.
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 45, 100819,
A., Götz, A., Höhle, B.
& Schwarzer, G. (2020) Infants’ gaze patterns for
same-race and other-race faces, and the other-race effect. Brain
Sciences, 10, 331, doi:10.3390/brainsci10060331,
N., Bhatara, A., & Höhle, B.
(2020) Processing of rhythm in speech and music in adult
dyslexia. Brain Sciences, 10, 261.doi:10.3390/brainsci10050261
Ommen, S., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Larraza, S., Wellmann, C.,
Bijeljac-Babic, R., Höhle,
& Nazzi, T. (2020) Language-specific prosodic acquisition: A
comparison of phrase boundary perception by French- and
German-learning infants. Journal of Memory and Language, 112.
B., Fritzsche, T., Mess, K., Philipp, M., & Gafos, A. (2020)
Only the right noise? Effects of phonetic and visual input
variability on 14-month-olds’ minimal pair word learning.
Developmental Science, 00:e12950.
N., Bhatara, A., Unger, A., Nazzi, T. & Höhle,
B. (in
press) Rhythmic grouping bias in simultaneous bilinguals.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.
Many Babies Consortium (in press) Quantifying sources of
variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech
preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological
R., Roeser, J., & Höhle,
(2020) Children’s online use of word order and morphosyntactic
markers in Tagalog thematic role assignment. Journal of Child
Language. 47:3, 533-555.
B. (2019). Die Rolle des Trochäus im Spracherwerb. Mitteilungen
des Deutschen Germanistenverbands. 66(4), 377-382.
B., Bijeljac-Babic, R., & Nazzi, T. (2019) Variability and
stability in early language acquisition: Comparing monolingual
and bilingual infants’ speech perception and word recognition.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 23, 56-71.
R., Roeser, J. & Höhle,
B. (2019)
Thematic role assignment in L1 acquisition of Tagalog: Use of
word order and morphosyntactic markers. Language Acquisition.
26:3, 235-261. https://doi.org/10.1080/10489223.2018.1525613
K., McKean, C., Gafos, A., & Höhle,
B. (2019)
Children’s gradient sensitivity to phonological mismatch:
Considering the dynamics of looking behavior and pupil dilation.
Journal of Child Language, 46, 1-23.
H., Szendroi, K., Crain, S., & Höhle,
B. (2019)
Understanding focus marking in Mandarin Chinese – Data from
children and adults. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,
48(1), 19-32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10936-018-9580-9
A., Götz, A., Höhle, B.,
& Schwarzer, G. (2018) Perceptual
narrowing in speech and face recognition: Evidence for
intra-individual cross-domain relations. Frontiers in Psychology
9:1711. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01711
R., Dery, J. E., Roeser, J., & Höhle,
B. (2018) Word order preferences
of Tagalog-speaking children and adults. First Language, 38,
617-640. DOI: 10.1177/0142723718790317
A., & Höhle,
B. (2018).
Word order in German child language and child-directed speech: A
corpus analysis on the ordering of double objects in the German
middlefield. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 3(1): 57.
1-32. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.281
A., Yeung, H., Krasotkina, A., Schwarzer, G., & Höhle,
B. (2018)
Perceptual reorganisation of lexical tones: Effects of age and
experimental procedure. Frontiers in Psychology 9: 477.
A., & Höhle,
B. (2018)
Four- to five-year-olds’ use of word order and prosody in
focus marking in Dutch. Linguistics Vanguard.
J., Wellmann, C., Höhle, B.
& Wartenburger, I. (2018) Infants’
processing of prosodic cues: Electrophysiological evidence for
boundary perception beyond pause detection. Language and Speech,
61(1), 153-166. DOI: 10.1177/0023830917730590
L., Höhle, B.,
Brock, J. & Nickels, L. (2018) Investigating auditory
processing of syntactic gaps with L2 speakers using
pupillometry. Second Language Research 34 (2), 201-227. https://
DOI: 10.1177/0267658317722386
K., Bernard, C., Berger, F., Gervain, J. & Höhle,
B. (2018)
Acquisition of prosodic focus marking by English, French and
German 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-year-olds. Journal
of Child Language 45, 219-241.
C., Truckenbrodt, H., Wellmann, C., Holzgrefe-Lang, J.,
Wartenburger, I. & Höhle,
B. (2017)
Prosodic boundary cues in German: Evidence from the production
and perception of bracketed lists. Journal of Phonetics 61,
71-92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2017.01.002
K., Schumacher, R., Fritzsche, T. & Höhle,
B. (2017)
Acquisition of quantifier raising of a universal across an
existential: Evidence from German. Glossa: A Journal of General
Linguistics 2(1): 46, 1-16, DOI:
N., Bhatara, A., & Höhle,
(2017) Effects of musicality on the perception of rhythmic
structure in speech. Laboratory Phonology, 8: 9, 1-16, DOI:
K., McKean C., Gafos, A., Fritzsche, T. & Höhle,
(2017) Pupillometry registers toddlers’ sensitivity to degrees
of mispronunciation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,
153, 140-148. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2016.07.014
N., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Bhatara, A., Höhle,
& Nazzi, T. (2016) An exploration of rhythmic grouping of
speech sequences by French and German-learning infants.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10:292.
J., Wellmann, C., Petrone, C., Räling, R., Truckenbrodt, H.,
B. &
Wartenburger, I. (2016) How pitch and final lenghtening cue
boundary perception in German: Converging evidence from ERPs and
prosodic judgements. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 31,
904-920. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2016.1157195
B., Fritzsche, T., & Müller, A. (2016) Children’s
comprehension of sentences with focus particles and cognitive
control: An eyetracking study with German-learning 4-year olds.
PLoS ONE. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0149870
R., Höhle,
B. &
Nazzi, T. (2016) Early prosodic acquisition in bilingual
infants: the case of the perceptual trochaic bias. Frontiers in
A., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Angus, T., Höhle,
B. & Nazzi, T. (2016) Language
experience affects grouping of musical instrument sounds.
Cognitive Science 40, 1816-1830..
N., Bhatara, A., Unger, A., Nazzi, T. & Höhle,
B. (2016) Effects of experience
with L2 and music on rhythmic grouping by French listeners.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 19, 971-986.
A., Bastiaanse, R., & Höhle,
(2016) Discourse production in aphasia: a current review of
theoretical and methodological challenges. Aphasiology, 30,
B., Pauen, S., Hesse, V., & Weissenborn, J. (2014)
Discrimination of rhythmic pattern at 4 months and language
performance at 5 years: A longitudinal analysis of data from
German-learning children. Language Learning, 64, 141-164.
O., & Höhle, B.
(2014) The detection of subject-verb
agreement violations by German-speaking children: An
eye-tracking study. Lingua, 144, 7-20.
B., Hörnig, R., Weskott, T., Knauf, S. & Krüger, A. (2014)
Effects of focus and definiteness on children’s word order:
Evidence from German 5-year-olds‘ reproductions of double
object constructions. Journal of Child Language, 41, 780-810.
A., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Unger, A., Nazzi, T. & Höhle,
B. (2013)
Native language affects rhythmic grouping. Journal of the
Acoustic Society of America 134, 3828-3843.
J., Wellmann, C., Petrone, C., Truckenbrodt, H., Höhle,
& Wartenburger, I. (2013) Brain response to prosodic
boundary cues depends on boundary position. Frontiers in
Language Sciences. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00421
S., & Höhle,
(2013) Verb inflection in German-learning children with typical
and atypical language acquisition: the impact of subsyllabic
frequencies. Journal of Child Language 40, 169-192. DOI:
C., Holzgrefe, J., Truckenbrodt, H., Wartenburger, I. &
(2012) How each prosodic boundary cue matters: Evidence from
German infants. Frontiers in Language Sciences.
R, Serres J, Höhle
Nazzi T (2012) Effect of Bilingualism on Lexical Stress Pattern
Discrimination in French-Learning Infants. PLoS ONE 7(2).
F. & Höhle,
(2012) Restrictions on addition: Children’s interpretation of
the focus particles auch (‘also’) and nur (‘only’) in
German. Journal of Child Language, 39, 383-410.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0305000911000122
O.-C. & Höhle,
(2010) What asymmetries within comprehension reveal about
asymmetries between comprehension and production: The case of
verb inflection in language acquisition. Lingua, 120,
A., Höhle, B.,
Schmitz, M. & Weissenborn, J. (2009) Information
structural constraints on children’s early language
production: The acquisition of the focus particle auch (also) in
German learning 12-to-36-month olds. First Language, 29,
B., Bijeljac-Babic, R., Herold, B., Weissenborn, J. & Nazzi,
T. (2009) Language specific prosodic preferences during the
first year of life: Evidence from German and French infants.
Infant Behavior and Development, 32, 262-274.
B., Berger, F., Müller, A., Schmitz, M. & Weissenborn, J.
(2009). Focus particles in children’s
language: Production and comprehension of auch ‚also’ in
German learners from 1 year to 4 years of age. Language
Acquisition, 16, 36-66.
B. (2009) Bootstrapping mechanisms in first language
acquisition. Linguistics, 47, 359-382.
B., Wang, H. & Mintz, T. (2008) Syntactic categorization of
new words: Distributional and morphological cues to form class.
International Journal of Psychology 43, 177.
B., Höhle, B.,
Walch, E., Weber, T. & Obladen, M. (2008) Impaired word
stress pattern discrimination in very low-birth weight infants
during the first 6 months of life. Developmental Medicine and
Child Neurology, 50, 678-683.
B., van de Vijver, R. & Weissenborn, J. (2006) Word
processing at 19 months and its relation to language performance
at 30 months: A retrospective analysis of data from German
learning children. Advances in Speech and Language Pathology 8,
S., van de Vijver, R. & Höhle,
B. (2006) Phonotactic knowledge in
German children with specific language impairment: Evidence from
the production of complex onsets. Advances in Speech and
Language Pathology 8, 323-334.
B., Schmitz, M., Santelmann, L. M. & Weissenborn, J. (2006)
The recognition of discontinuous verbal dependencies by German
19-month-olds: Evidence for lexical and structural influences on
children’s early processing capacities. Language
Learning and Development 2, 277-300.
B. (2005) Der Einstieg in die Grammatik: Spracherwerb während
des ersten Lebensjahres. Forum Logopädie 6, 16-21.
B., Weissenborn, J., Kiefer, D.,
Schulz, A. & Schmitz M. (2004) Functional elements in
infants’ speech processing: The role of determiners in the
syntactic categorization of lexical elements. Infancy 5
(3), 341-353.
B. (2004) Sprachwahrnehmung und Spracherwerb im ersten
Lebensjahr. Stimme - Sprache - Gehör 27, 1-6.
B. & Weissenborn, J. (2003)
German-learning infants‘ ability to detect unstressed
closed-class elements in continuous speech. Developmental
Science 6, 122-127.
B., Kelter, S., Höhle, B. & Merdian, G. (1989) Bahnung und
Interferenz bei der Bildbenennung von Aphasikern.
Neurolinguistik 3, 35-55.
S., Grötzbach, H., Freiheit, R., Höhle,
B., Wutzig, S. & Diesch, E.
(1984) Object identification: The mental representation of
physical and conceptual attributes. Memory and Cognition 12,
A., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Höhle, B.
& Nazzi, T. (2018) Early sensitivity and acquisition of
prosodic patterns at the lexical level. In Pilar Prieto &
Nuria Esteve-Gibert (edsl) The Development of Prosody in First
Language Acquisition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing
Company. Pp 37-57.
B., Berger, F. & Sauermann, A. (2016) First language
acquisition. In C. Fery & S. Ishihara (eds.) Handbook of
Information Structure. Oxford: University Press. Pp. 562-580.
B. (2015) Crosslinguistic perspectives on segmentation and
categorization in early language acquisition. In E. Bavin &
L. Naigles (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language.
Second Edition. Cambridge: University Press. pp. 159-182.
B. (2015) Der Erwerb sprachlicher Markierungen von
Informationsstrukur. In S. Adam, D. Jakob & M. Schecker
(Hrsg.) Informationsstrukturen in Kontrast. Frankfurt: Peter
Lang. pp 191-201.
A. & Höhle, B.
(2013) Corpus in159-182.vestigation of information-structural
ordering preference in German-speaking children and adults. In
S. Stavrakaki, M. Lalioti & P. Konstantinopoulou (eds.)
Advances in Language Acquisition. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
pp 173-181.
A., Schulz, P. & Höhle, B.
(2011) Pragmatic children: How German children interpret
sentences with and without the focus particle only. In
J. Meibauer & M. Steinbach (eds.) Experimental Pragmatics
and Semantics. Amsterdam: Benjamins., pp.171-192.
O.-C. & Höhle, B.
(2011) Asymmetries in children’s language
performance within and across modalities. In A. Grimm, A.
Müller, C. Hamann & E. Ruigendijk (eds.)
Production-Comprehension Asymmetries in Child
Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 171-192.
B. (2009) Crosslinguistic perspectives on segmentation and
categorization in early language acquisition. In E. Bavin (ed.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language. Cambridge: University
de Vijver, R., Höhle, B. &
Ott, S. (2009) On the distribution of dorsals in complex and
simple onset in child German, Dutch and English. In
F. Kügler, C. Féry & Van de Vijver, R. (eds.) Variation
and Gradience in Phonetics and Phonology. Berlin: Mouton de
A., Höhle, B.
& Weissenborn, J. (2008) Teaching a new word: Properties of
CDS to 12-month-old German-learning children. In
S. Kern, F. Gayraud and E. Marsica (eds.) Emergence of
Linguistic Abilities. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Kampen, A., Parmaksiz, G., van de Vijver, R. & Höhle,
B. (2008) Metrical and statistical
cues for word segmentation: The use of vowel harmony and word
stress as a cue to word boundaries by 6- and 9-month-old Turkish
learners. In A. Gavarró & M. J.
Freitas (eds.) Language Acquisition and Development. Newcastle:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
M. & Höhle, B. (2007) Habituierung und
Dishabituierung als Maße der perzeptuellen und kognitiven
Entwicklung – Methoden und Anwendungsbereiche. In. L.
Kaufmann, H.-C. Nuerk, K. Konrad & K. Willmes (Hrsg.)
Kognitive Entwicklungsneuropsychologie. Göttingen: Hofgrefe.
K., Kruck, S., Höhle, B., Suhl, U., Weissenborn, J., Gross, M.
(2003) Interaktion behavioraler und elektrophysiologischer
Ergebnisse zur Phonemdiskrimination bei Säuglingen. In M. Gross
& E. Kruse (Hrsg.) Aktuelle phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische
Aspekte 2003/2004, Band 11. Heidelberg 2003:
Median Verlag.
B., Weissenborn, J., Schmitz, M. &
Ischebeck, A. (2001) Discovering Word Order Regularities: The
Role of Prosodic Information for Early Parameter Setting. In
J. Weissenborn & B. Höhle (eds.) Approaches
to Bootstrapping: Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic and
Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition.
Amsterdam: Benjamins.
B. & Weissenborn, J. (2000) Lauter Laute? Lautsegmente und
Silben in der Sprachperzeption und im Spracherwerb. In R.
Thieroff, M. Tamrat, N. Furhop & O. Teuber, O. (Hrsg.)
Deutsche Grammatik in Theorie und Praxis. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
B. & Weissenborn, J. (1999) Discovering Grammar. In A.
Friederici & R. Menzel (eds.) Learning:
Rule Extraction and Representation. Berlin: de Gruyter.
B. & Schriefers, H. (1995) Ambisyllabizität im Deutschen:
Psycholinguistische Evidenz. In P. Baerentzen (ed.) Aspekte der
Sprachbeschreibung. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
and Edited Volumes
B. (Hg.) (2010) Psycholinguistik. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
J. & B. Höhle, (eds.) (2001)
Approaches to Bootstrapping: Phonological, Lexical, Syntactic
and Neurophysiological Aspects of Early Language Acquisition.
Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
B. (1995) Aphasie und Sprachproduktion. Sprachstörungen bei
Broca- und Wernicke-Aphasikern. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
and Working Papers
A., Hendriks, P., Fritzsche, T., & Höhle,
B. (2018) Acquisition of
adjectival agreement in German: Sensitivity to grammar is
reflected in 3-xear-olds’ pupil dilation. In Anne B. Bertolini
& Maxwell J. Kaplan (eds.) Proceedings of the 42nd
annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development. Somerville, MA.: Cascadilla Press.
K., Wewalaarachchi, T. D., Höhle,
B., & Singh, L. (2016)
Measuring sensitivity to phonological detail in monolingual and
bilingual infants using pupillometry. Proceedings of the 16th
Speech Science and Technology Conference.
T., & Höhle,
B. (2015). Phonological and lexical mismatch detection in
30-month-olds and adults measured by pupillometry. Proceedings
of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).
Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 10-14, 2015.
pp. tbd.
A., Höhle, B. &
Schulz, P. (2015) The interaction of focus particles and
information structure in acquisition. In C. Hamann & E.
Ruigendijk (eds.) Language Acquisition and Development:
Proceedings of GALA 2013. Newcastle Upon Thyne: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing. Pp. 330-342.
R., Serres, J., Höhle, B.
& Nazzi, T. (2013) Effect of bilingualism on the perception
of lexical stress in 6-month-old French-learning infants. In S.
Baiz, N. Goldman & R. Hawkes (eds.) BUCLD 37: Proceedings of
the 37th Annual
Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. pp.24-25.
A., Höhle, B., Chen, A. & Järvikivi, J. (2011)
Intonational Marking of Focus in Different Word Orders in German
Children. In Proceedings of the 28th West Coast Conference on
Formal Linguistics, ed. Mary Byram Washburn et al., Somerville,
MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
A., Schulz, P. & Höhle, B.
(2011) How the understanding of focus particles develops:
Evidence from child German. In M. Pirvulescu et al., (eds.)
Selected Proceedings of the 4th
Conference on Generative Approaches to
Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010). Somerville,
MA: Cascadilla Press.
H., Höhle, B.,
Ketrez, N.H., Küntay, A. C. & Mintz, T. H. (2011)
Distributional analyses with frequent frames: The cases of
German and Turkish. In N. Danis, K. Mesh & H. Sung (eds.)
BUCLD 35: Proceedings of the 35th
annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. pp.
H., Höhle, B.
& Southwood, F. (2010) Motion events in Afrikaans: their
expression by adult speakers and by children with and without
language impairment. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics PLUS,
40, 55-77.
S., Darcy, I. & Höhle, B.
(2009) Schwa syllables facilitate word
segmentation for 9-month-old German-learning infants. In
J. Chandlee, M. Franchini, S. Lord & G.-M. Rheiner (eds.)
BUCLD 33: Proceedings of the 33rd
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. pp.
73-84. Somerville M.A.: Cascadilla Press.
F., Müller, A., Höhle,
B. & Weissenborn, J. (2007)
German 4-year-olds’ comprehension of sentences containing the
focus particle auch (also): Evidence from eye-tracking. In
H. Caunt-Nulton, S. Kulatilake, I. Woo (eds.) BUCLD 31:
Proceedings of the 31st
annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development, Vol 1. pp. 105-116. Somerville M.A.:
Cascadilla Press.
L. & Höhle, B.
(2006) Processing of morphological markers as a cue to syntactic
phrases by 10-month-old German-learning infants. In
Belletti, A., Bennati, E., Chesi, C., DiDomenico, E., &
Ferrari, I. (Eds.) Language
Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA2005. pp.
411-422. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.
M., Höhle, B., Müller, A. & Weissenborn, J. (2006).
The Recognition of the Prosodic Focus
Position in German-Learning Infants from 4 to 14 Months. In S.
Ishihara, M. Schmitz & A. Schwarz (Eds.), Interdisciplinary
Studies on Information Structure - Working Papers of the SFB
632, ISIS05.
A., Höhle, B., Schmitz, M., Weissenborn, J. (2006).
Focus-to-stress alignment in 4- to 5-year-old
German-learning children. In Belletti,
A., Bennati, E., Chesi, C., DiDomenico, E., & Ferrari, I.
(Eds.), Language Acquisition and Development. Proceedings
of GALA 2005. pp. 379-392. Cambridge:
Cambridge Scholars Press.
B., van de Vijver, R., Bartels, S. & Weissenborn, J. (2006)
Phonological specificity of early lexical representations in
German 19-month-olds at risk for SLI. In D. Bamman, T.
Magnitskaia, C. Zaller (eds.) BUCLD 30: Proceedings of the 30th
Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development, Vol. 1. Somerville M.A.: Cascadilla Press.
& Höhle, B.
(2006) The impact of morphological markers on infants’ and
adults speech processing. In D. Bamman, T. Magnitskaia, C.
Zaller (eds.) BUCLD 30: Proceedings of the 30th
Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development, Vol. 2. Somerville M.A.: Cascadilla Press.
L., Seidl, A. & Höhle, B.
(2003) Recognition of Phrases in Early Language Acquisition: The
Role of Morphological Markers. In B. Beachley, A. Brown &
F.Conlin (eds.) BUCLD 27: Proceedings of the 27th annual Boston
University Conference on Language Development. Sumerville:
Cascadilla Press. 138-149.
B., Weissenborn, J., Kiefer, D.,
Schulz, A. & Schmitz, M. (2002) The origins of syntactic
categorization for lexical elements: The role of determiners. In
J. Costa & M.J. Freitas (eds.) Proceedings of the GALA 2001
Conference on Language Acquisition. Lisboa,
Associação Portugesa de Linguística.
B. & Weissenborn, J. (2000) The
Origins of Syntactic Knowledge: Recognition of determiners in
one year old German children In C. Howell, S. A. Fish, & T.
Keith-Lucas, Proceedings of the 24th
Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development. (pp.138-149). Sumerville: Cascadilla
J., Höhle, B.,
Kiefer, D. & Cavar, D. (1998) Children’s Sensitivity to
Word-Order Violations in German: Evidence for very Early
Parameter-Setting, In A. Greenhill, M. Hughes, H. Littlefield &
H. Walsh (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Boston Conference
on Language Development, Somerville, Cascadilla Press.
B. & Weissenborn, J. (1998) Sensitivity to Closed-Class
Elements in Preverbal Children, In A. Greenhill, M. Hughes, H
Littlefield, & H. Walsh (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd
Annual Boston Conference on Language Development, Somerville,
Cascadilla Press.
and Workshop Presentations
Reviewed Oral presentations
A., Krasotkina, A., Schwarzer, G., & Höhle, B. Neural
correlates of non-native lexical tone and vowel discrimination
in 9-month-old German infants and adults: An ERP study. 4th
Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Potsdam, June
T., Gafos, A., & Höhle, B. (2018). Is any type of
input variability beneficial for mapping novel words to objects
in 14-month-old infants? 3rd Lancaster Conference on Infant and
Child Development (LCICD), Lancaster, UK Sept 2018.
N., van Ommen, S., Nazzi, T., & Höhle,
B. Stress “deafness” can be
overcome: Evidence from Second language learners. EuroSLA 28,
Münster, Germany, Sept 2018.
N., van Ommen, S., Nazzi, T., & Höhle,
B. Categorical perception of
lexical stress by simultaneous and late bilinguals. LabPhon 16,
Lisbon, Portugal, June, 2018
R., Roeser, J., & Höhle, B. “Children’s
production and comprehension of Tagalog transitive sentences.”
The 25th Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics
Association (AFLA 25), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2018
M., & Höhle, B. Early segmentation cues: prosody and
statistical learning. 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen
Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, , Stuttgart, Germany,
March 2018.
R., Roeser, J., & Höhle, B. “Children’s
comprehension of Tagalog transitive sentences.” European
Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy, Jan
A., Hendriks, P., Fritzsche, T., & Höhle,
B. Acquisition of agreement in German: Sensitivity to
grammar is reflected in 3-year-olds’ pupil dilation. 42nd
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development
(BUCLD), Boston, USA, Nov. 2017.
Ommen, S., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Larraza, S., Wellmann, C.,
Bijeljac-Babic, R., Höhle, B., & Nazzi, T. Prosodic
boundary perception in French: infant data and analysis of
acoustic cues. Poster, 14th International Congress for the Study
of Child Language, Lyon, France, July 2017.
N., Höhle, B. & Weissenborn, J. Rhythmic speech
segmentation at 6 months. 3rd Workshop on Infant
Language Development (WILD), Bilbao, Spain, June 2017.
Ommen, S., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Larraza, S., Wellmann, C.,
Bijeljac-Babic, R., Nazzi, T. & Höhle, B.
Language-specific sensitivity to prosodic boundaries: Evidence
from French- and German-learning infants. 3rd
Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Bilbao, Spain,
June 15-17, 2017.
A., Fritzsche, T., Hendriks, P., & Höhle, B. The
processing of subject-verb-agreement violations in German
speakers as reflected by pupil dilation. 5th
Experimental Psycholinguistic Conference, Menorca, Spain. Jun
Ommen, S., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Larraza, S., Wellmann, C.,
Bijeljac-Babic, R., Nazzi, T. & Höhle, B. Phonetic
cues in French prosodic boundaries and infant prosodic
processing. PaPE, Cologne, Germany, June 12-14, 2017.
R., Déry, J. E., Roeser, J. & Höhle, B. L1
acquisition of thematic role assignment in Tagalog:
Word-order-based strategies vs. morphosyntactic cues. 41st
Annual Boston University Conference on language Development
(BUCLD), Boston, MA, USA, Nov 2016
T., & Höhle, B. The detection of grammatical gender
dependencies in German-learning 18- and 24-month-old children.
1st Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child
Development, Lancaster, UK, Aug 2016.
K., McKean, C., Gafos, A. & Höhle, B. Sensitivity to
degrees of mispronuniciation: Enriching the preferential looking
paradigm with pupillometry. 15th Laboratory Phonology
Conference (LabPhon), Ithaca, NY, USA, July 2016.
N., Larraza, S., Rose, A., Margules, S., Bijeljac-Babic, R.,
Nazzi, T. & Höhle, B. Categorical perception of
lexical stress: A cross-linguistic study, Poster, 15th
Laboratory Phonology Conference (LabPhon), Ithaca, NY, USA, July
C., Richter,
M., Zhang, L., Lee, C., Wartenburger, I.,
Höhle, B.
comprehension and its relation to cognitive development in
children. Workshop on “The role of pragmatic factors in child
language processing”, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
May, 2016.
K., McKean, C., Gafos, A., & Höhle, B. Children’s
sensitivity to degrees of mispronunciation: A study combining
eye-tracking and pupillometry. European Workshop on Cognitive
Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy, Jan 2016.
K., McKean, C., Gafos, A. & Höhle, B.
Mispronunciation detection with pupillometry: A window to study
lexical representations. Child Language Symposium, University of
Warwick, UK, July 2015.
K., McKean, C., Gafos, A. & Höhle, B. Using implicit
naming to study early lexical representations. International
Child Phonology Conference, Memoria University of Newfoundland,
Canada, June 2015.
M., Zhang, L., Lee, C., Höhle,
B., Wartenburger,
I. When perspective taking takes place – evidence from the
referential communication game. Annual Meeting Xprag.de,
Göttingen, Germany. June, 2015.
N., Bhatara, A., & Höhle, B. Effects of dyslexia and
musicality on the perception of rhythmic structure. Experimental
and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP) 3, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, May 28-30, 2015.
N., Bhatara, A., & Höhle, B. Dyslexia and musicality
effects on the perception of rhythmic speech, SMART Cognitive
Sciences Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 25-28,
T., Höhle, B. & Müller, A. Tracking the
comprehension process in sentences with the focus particle
‘only’: Data from children and adults. 11th
International Conference on General Linguistics (CILG XI);
Pamplona, Spain, May 2014.
A., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Agus, T., Höhle, B., &
Nazzi, T.: Rhythmic grouping of musical instrument sounds is
affected by language experience. KNAW Conference on
Diversity and Universals in Language, Culture, and Cognition,
Leiden, Netherlands, Oct 2013.
B. Early prosodic development and later language performance:
Results from a longitudinal study from infancy to preschool age.
International Congress of Linguistics. Geneva – Switzerland
July 22, 2013.
N., Bhatara, A., Unger, A., Nazzi, T. & Höhle, B.
Can stress ‘deafness’ be countered after extensive exposure
to an L2?, International Congress of Linguistics (ICL), Genève,
Switzerland, July 2013.
T., Müller, A., & Höhle, B.
What eyetracking can reveal about the comprehension of
the restrictive focus particle ‘only’: Data from children
and adults. International Congress of Linguistics, Geneva,
Switzerland July 2013.
N., Bhatara, A., Unger, A., Nazzi, T. & Höhle, B.
Effects of exposure on the acquisition of rhythm in adult
bilinguals, Conference of the Society for Research in Child
Development (SRCD), Seattle, Washington, April 2013.
C., Holzgrefe, J., Wartenburger, I. & Höhle,
B. (2012). The processing
of prosodic boundary cues in German infants. Talk at the 13th
Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 13), Stuttgart on
B., Kutscher, V., Lekow, C., Schröder, C. & Soderstrom, M.
Sensitivity to subject-verb agreement in German learning
infants. International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS).
Minnesota, USA, June 7-9, 2012
J. & Höhle, B.
Vowels and consonants in early word learning:
Evidence for positional asymmetries in German learning
20-month-olds. International Conference on Infant Studies
(ICIS). Minnesota, USA, June 7-9, 2012.
C., Holzgrefe, J., Wartenburger, I. & Höhle, B.
(2011) Perception and weighting of prosodic boundary cues:
Evidence from German six- and eight-month-old infants. Talk at
the 36th Boston Conference on Language Development,
Boston on 4.11.11.
C., Wartenburger, I., Höhle, B.,
Holzgrefe, J., Schröder, C. & Truckenbrodt, H. (2011) Cues
for intonation phrase boundaries in German. Talk
presented at the 7th annual meeting of 'Phonetik und
Phonologie', Osnabrück, 7.10.11.
S.-Y., Cheung, H., Schwytay, J., & Höhle,
B. Role of tonal and vocalic
contrasts in early lexical acquisition: An investigation on
Mandarin-learning 20-month-olds. Paper. Generative Approaches to
Language Acquisition (GALA). Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept 6-8,
B., Unger, A., Gonzales Gomes, N. & Nazzi, T. Rhythmical
grouping in French and German adults: A crosslinguistic
investigation of the iambic trochaic law. Biennal Meeting of the
Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Mar 31 –
Apr 2, 2011.
H., Höhle, B. Ketrez,
N., Kuntay, A, & Mintz, T. Cross-linguistic distributional
analysis with frequent frames: The case of German and Turkish.
35th Annual
Boston University Conference on Language Development, Nov 5-7,
B., Herold, B., Grabherr, B., Walch, E. & Bührer, C.
Word segmentation in 9-month-old preterm infants and later
language kills. Paper.17th Biennal International
Conference on Infant Studies. Baltimore, Maryland, March 11-14,
A., Höhle, B., Sauermann, A., Fleischhauer, E., &
Järvikivi, J. Intonational marking of focus
in different word orders in children. 28th
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics,
Los Angeles, USA, February 2010.
S., Poltrock, S. & Höhle, B. Implizite und
explizite Theory of Mind bei Asperger und High-Functioning
Autismus? Eine Eyetracking-Studie. 3. Wissenschaftliche Tagung
Autismus-Spektrum. Frankfurt, Februar, 18-19, 2010.
A., Rupp, V., Schulz, P. & Höhle,
How the understanding of focus particles develops: Evidence from
child German. 32nd Meeting
of the Linguistics Association of Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Sprachwissenschaft DGfS, Berlin 24.-26.2. 2010
T. & Höhle, B. Looking at artificial languages -
Investigating the categorization of nonsense syllables using
eyetracking. Talk at the Tobii Eyetracking Conference on
Psychology & Linguistic Research, Copenhagen on 25.01.2010.
O.-C. & Höhle,
B. Does
production of verbal inflection precede comprehension? Evidence
from eye-tracking. 31st Annual Meeting of the Linguistics
Association of Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Sprachwissenschaft DGfS), Osnabrück, March 2009.
B. Syntactic categorization of new words: Distributional and
morphological cues to form class. Paper. XXIX International
Congress of Psychology. Berlin, 20-25 July 2008.
Kampen, A., Parmaksiz, G., & Höhle,
B. Vowel harmony as a poential cue
for word segmentation: Findings from German and Turkish 6- and
9-month-olds. Paper. XI Congress of the International
Association for the Study of Child Language. Edinburgh, UK, 28.
July – 1. August, 2008.
O., & Höhle, B.
Sensitivity to verb morphology by German toddlers: Evidence from
eye-tracking. Paper. XI Congress of the International
Association for the Study of Child Language. Edinburgh, UK, 28.
July – 1. August, 2008.
B., Bijeljac-Babic, R., Serres, J., Herold, B. & Nazzi, T.
Monolingual and bilingual German/French learning infants’
sensitivity to lexical stress. Paper. XI Congress of the
International Association for the Study of Child Language.
Edinburgh, UK, 28. July – 1. August, 2008.
B. & Ott, S. Phonological cues to the syntactic
categorization of words: Evidence from German-learning
16-month-olds. Paper. XVI International Conference on Infant
Studies. Vancouver, Canada, 27-29 March 2008.
F., Müller, A., Höhle, B.
The acquisition of the additive focus particle auch ('also') in
German. Paper. DGfS
Annual Meeting, AG Experimental Pragmatics/Semantics, Bamberg
Bamberg, 27.-29. Febr., 2008.
A., Schulz, P. & Höhle,
children: How children interpret sentences with and without
only. Paper. DGfS
Annual Meeting, AG Experimental Pragmatics/Semantics, Bamberg,
27.-29. Febr., 2008.
Kampen, A., Parmaksiz, G., & Höhle,
B. Metrical and statistical cues
for word segmentation: The use of vowel harmony and word stress
as cues to word boundaries by 6- and 9-month-old Turkish
learners. Paper BUCLD (Boston University Conference on Language
Development), Boston, Mass., November 2007.
S. & Höhle, B.
The role of phonotactics on the acquisition of nouns and verbs
in German-speaking children. Paper presented at the GALA 2007,
Barcelona, September.
Kampen, A., Parmaksiz, G. & Höhle,
B. Vowel harmony and word
segmentation by 6 and 9 month old German and Turkish infants.
Paper presented at the GALA 2007, September.
Bion, R.A., Höhle, B. & Schmitz, M. (2007). The
role of prosody on the perception of word order differences by
14-month-old German infants. Paper presented at the 30th
CLS conference, Reading (GB), 18.-20. Juli
B., van de Vijver, R., & Weissenborn, J. (2007) Early word
processing and later langugae performance: Data from a longterm
follow-up stsudy with German children. Paper 9th
European Conference on Psychological
Assessment. Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-6 May 2007.
Bion, R.A., Schmitz, M. & Höhle, B. (2007). The
role of prosody on the perception of word-order differences by
14-month-old German infants. Paper presented at the 16th
ICPhS conference, Saarbrücken, Germany,
6.-10. August
T., Höhle, B., & Fitch, W. T. (2007). Vowels
as category cue in artificial grammar processing, Paper
presented at the International Linguistic Association 52nd
Annual Conference, Hunter College, CUNY, NY (USA), April.
F., Müller, A., Höhle,
& Weissenborn, J. (2006). The
processing of sentences containing the focus particle auch
'also' by German 4-year-olds - An eye-tracking study. Paper
presented at the Workshop On-Line Methods in Children's Language
Processing at the CUNY Graduate Center, N.Y. (U.S.A), March.
F., Müller, A., Höhle, B.; Schmitz, M.; Weissenborn, J.
(2006). The acquisition of the additive focus
particle auch in German: A matter of competence or performance?
Paper presented at the International Conference on Information
Structure "Information Structure between Linguistic Theory
and Empirical Methods", Potsdam (GER), June.
F., Müller, A., Höhle, B. & Weissenborn, J.(2006).
German 4-year-olds' comprehension of
sentences containing the focus particle auch ('also'): Evidence
from eye-tracking . Paper presented at the 31st Annual Boston
University Conference on Child Language, Boston (U.S.A.),
B., Schmitz, M., Müller, A. & Weissenborn, J. (2006). The
Lexicon-Syntax Interface in Developing Grammar: The Role of
Function Words in the Acquisition of Content Words. Paper
presented at the Symposium: The Role of Function Words in Early
Language development, ICIS Kyoto (Japan), Juni.
A., Höhle, B., Schmitz, M. & Weissenborn, J. (2005).
Focus-to-stress-alignment in 4-to-5 year old
German learning children. Paper presented at the GALA Conference
of Language Acquisition, Sienna (Italy), September.
A., Höhle, B., Schmitz, M. & Weissenborn, J. (2005).
How does word category and the structure of
the target language influence caretakers´ strategies when
teaching new nouns and verbs to 12-month-old German-learning
children? Paper presented at the Conference Emergence of
Linguistic Abilities (ELA), Lyon (France), Dezember.
M., Santelmann, L. & Höhle, B.
The acquisition of discontinuous verbal dependencies by German
19-month-olds: Implications for cross-linguistic language
processing. Paper 28th
Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development, November 2003.
M., Höhle, B. &
Weissenborn, J. How pause length influences the perception of
major syntactic boundaries in 6-month-old German infants. Paper
Generative Appraoches to Language Acquisition (GALA), Groningen,
September 2003.
B., Luther, C. & Weissenborn, J. The processing of
Subject-Verb-agreement in German 18-20-month-olds with and
without a risk for language impairment. Paper Child Language
Seminar, Newcastle-upon-Thyne, Juli 2003.
M., Höhle, B.
& Weissenborn, J. The influence of pause length on the
perception of major syntactic boundaries. Paper Child Language
Seminar, Newcastle-upon-Thyne, Juli 2003.
B. & Weissenborn, J. Learning to detect words. Workshop on
Language Acquisition. Universität München, März 2003.
M., Höhle B.
& Weissenborn, J. The prosody-syntax interface in the
acquisition of word order in German. 25. Jahrestagung der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft. München,
Februar 2003.
L., Seidl, A. & Höhle, B.
Recognition of Phrases in Early Language Acquisition: The Role
of Morphological Markers. 27th
Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development. Boston, November 2002.
B., Weissenborn, J., Bartels, S., Herold, B. & Hofmann, M.
The development of language specific prosodic competence in
German infants. 9th
International Congress for the Study of Child
Language, University of Wisconsin, Madison, July 2002.
B. Acquisition of prosody in the first year of life.
Jahrestagung der DGfS, Mannheim, February 2002.
B., Weissenborn, J., Kiefer, D.,
Schulz, A. & Schmitz, M. The origins of syntactic
categorization for lexical elements. GALA (Generative Approaches
to Language Acquisition, Lissabon, September 2001.
B., & Weissenborn, J. Processing
of functional elements in early language acquisition: Evidence
from German. Turku Symposium on First
Language Acquisition. University of Turku, September 2000
B. & Weissenborn, J. The origins of syntactic knowledge:
Recognition of determiners in one year old German children.
Paper 24th Annual
Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston,
November 1999.
B. & Weissenborn, J Basic mechanisms of early language
acquisition: From prosodic cues to syntactic knowledge.
International Conference „Basic Mechanisms of Language and
Language Disorders". Leipzig, September 1999.
B., Weissenborn, J., Ischebeck, A. & Schmitz, M. Prosodic
bootstrapping into language specific word order. GALA
(Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition) Potsdam,
September 1999.
B. & Weissenborn, J. Sensitivity to Closed-Class Elements in
Preverbal Children, 22nd
Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development, Boston, November 1996.
J., Höhle, B.,
Kiefer, D. and Cavar, D. Children’s Sensitivity to Word-Order
Violations in German: Evidence for very Early Parameter-Setting,
22nd Annual
Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston,
November 1996.
B. Zur Rolle der Silbe in der Sprachperzeption: Befunde zum
Deutschen, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Sprachwissenschaft, Göttingen, February 1994.
B. & Schriefers, H. Ambisyllabizität im Deutschen:
Psycholinguistische Evidenz, 29th Linguistisches
Kolloquium, Aarhus, August 1994.
B., Müller, C. & Heineke, B. Spontane Verwendung von Gesten
in der Aphasie, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für
Aphasieforschung und -behandlung, Düsseldorf, November 1994.
B. Produktion flektierter Verbformen bei Broca- und
Wernicke-Aphasikern, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für
Aphasieforschung und -behandlung, Amsterdam, November 1991.
reviewed Poster
M., Dos Santos, M., Nazzi, T. & Höhle,
B. Word segmentation cues: Prosody
or statistics? Evidence from French. 4th
Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Potsdam, June
J., Höhle, B.,
Altvater-Mackensen, N. & Noray, A. Gaze
dynamics during infants’ vocal development. 4th
Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Potsdam, June
der Kant, A., Ren, J., Paul, M., Männel, C., Friederici, A.,
Höhle, B.
& Wartenburger, I. The role of the PFC in the sensitive
period for implicit non-adjacent dependency learning in early
childhood. 4th Workshop on Infant Language
Development (WILD), Potsdam, June 2019.
N., van Ommen, S., Nazzi, T., & Höhle,
B. Categorical perception of
lexical stress in French L2 learners of German: Effects of
musical acuity. BUCLD 43, Nov 2018.
N., van Ommen, S., Nazzi, T., &
Höhle, B.
Lexical stress discrimination by simultaneous and late
bilinguals. International Symposium on Bilingualism and
Cognition, Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani –
KK Birla Campus Goa, India, Nov 2018.
R., Roeser, J., & Höhle, B. “Word order beats
morphosyntax: Incremental thematic role assignment in Tagalog L1
acquisition.” 24th Annual Conference on Architectures and
Mechanisms for Language Processing, Berlin, Germany, Sept 2018.
A., Marimon, M., Boll-Avetisyan, N. & Höhle,
B. Electrophysiological evidence
for categorical perception of word stress. MMN2018: 8th Mismatch
Negativity Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2018.
L., Yatsushiro, K., Fritzsche, T., Höhle, B., Lidz, J.,
Phillips, C., & Huang, Y. T. Verbs, not subjects, drive
subject-as-agent misinterpretation in children’s comprehension
of passives. 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development (BUCLD), Boston, USA, Nov 2018.
C., Fritzsche, T., & Höhle, B. German children’s
processing of non-canonical word order sentences: The role of
temporal ambiguity. AMLaP 2018, Berlin, Germany, Sept 2018.
A., Fritzsche, T., Hendriks, P., & Höhle, B. Erly
Sensitivity to Number Agreement: What Pupillometry Reveals about
L1 Acquisition of German. AMLaP 2018, Berlin, Germany, Sept
B., Fritzsche, T., & Gafos, A. Input variability in learning
novel object-label pairs: How specific are beneficial effects?.
XXIst International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS),
Philadelphia, USA, July 2018.
M., & Höhle, B.
Prosody outweighs statistics: Evidence from German. XXIst
International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Philadelphia,
USA, July 2018.
T., Gafos, A., & Höhle, B. The Beneficial Role of
Variability for Acquiring Novel Words: A Habituation Study with
14-Month-Old German-Learning Children. 16th Conference on
Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon), Lisboa, Portugal, June 2018.
R., Roeser, J., & Höhle, B. “Children’s use of
word order and morphosyntactic markers in Tagalog comprehension:
Evidence from eye-tracking.” 31st Annual CUNY Conference on
Human Sentence Processing, Davis, California, USA ; March
L., Yatsushiro, K., Fritzsche, T., Höhle, B., Lidz, J.,
Phillips, C, & Huang, Y. T. Verbs, not subjects, drive
subject-as-agent misinterpretation in children’s comprehension
of passives. 31st Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference,
Davis, CA, USA, March 2018
C., Fritzsche, T., & Höhle, B. Comprehension of
sentences with the focus particle ‘only’ in Italian-learning
children: Experimental methods can matter. Poster at the
Nijmegen Lectures 2018, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Feb 2018.
R., Roeser, J., Déry, J.E. & Höhle,
B. Thematic role assignment in
Tagalog acquisition: Use of word order and morphosyntactic
markers. Many Paths to Language Workshop, Max Planck Institute
for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Oct 2017
M., Lee, C., Paul, M., Wartenburger, I., & Höhle, B.
How common ground information affects
reference resolution in children and adults: evidence from
behavioral data, eye-tracking and ERPs. Annual Meeting Xprag.de,
Cologne, Germany. September, 2017.
C., van der Kant, A., Müller, J.L., Wartenburger, I., Höhle,
B. & Friederici, A. The
sensitive period for associative learning of non-adjacent
dependencies in the linguistic and non-linguistic domain.
International Association for the Study of Child Language, Lyon,
France, July 2017.
Ommen, S., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Larraza, S., Wellmann, C.,
Bijeljac-Babic, R., Höhle, B.,
& Nazzi, T. Prosodic boundary perception in French: infant
data and analysis of acoustic cues. 14th International Congress
for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France, July 2017.
A. & Höhle, B.
Perceptual reorganization of lexical tones in German-learning
infants and toddlers. 3rd Workshop on Infant Language
Development (WILD), Bilbao, Spain, June 2017.
M. & Höhle, B.
Test-retest reliablity of the headturn preference procedure. 3rd
Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Bilbao, Spain,
June 2017.
M. & Höhle, B.
Prosody outweighs statistics: Evidence from German.
International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in
Statistical Learning, Bilbao, Spain, June 2017.
der Kant, A., Männel, C., Paul, Mariella, Höhle,
B., Friederici, A. &
Wartenburger, I. Adult processing of non-adjacent dependencies
in the linguistic and non-linguistic domain. Conference on
Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Learning, Bilbao,
Spain, June 2017.
L., Yatsushiro, K., Fritzsche, T., Höhle,
B., Lidz, J., Phillips, C. &
Huang, Y. T. Word order does not influence German
five-year-olds’ interpretation of passives, 30th Annual CUNY
Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Cambridge, MA, USA, Mar
A., Krasotkina, A., Höhle, B.,
Kubicek, C. & Schwarzer, G. Perceptual narrowing in speech
and face recognition in infancy. 50. Kongress der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Sept 2016.
M., Zhang, L., Lee, C., , Höhle,
& Wartenburger, I. I
spy with my little eye: ERP signatures of perspective taking in
referential communication. 8th
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language,
London, United Kingdom. August, 2016.
N., Larraza, S., Rose, A., Margules, S., Bijeljac-Babic, R.,
Nazzi, T. & Höhle, B.
Categorical perception of lexical stress: A
cross-linguistic study, 15th Laboratory Phonology Conference
(LabPhon), Ithaca, NY, USA, July 2016.
M., Lee, C., Zhang, L., Höhle,
& Wartenburger, I. How
common ground information affects reference resolution in
children and adults: evidence from behavioral and
neurophysiological measures. Annual
Meeting Xprag.de, Tübingen, Germany. June, 2016.
N., Höhle, B. &
Weißenborn, B. Stress clash avoidance by 6- to 7-month-olds,
International Congress on Infant Studies (ICIS), New Orleans,
May 2016..
R., Sekerina, I., Déry, J.E., Roeser, J. & Höhle,
B. Thematic role assignment in the
L1 acquisition of Tagalog, 21st Annual Conference on
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Valletta,
Malta, Sept. 2015.
T. & Höhle, B.
Phonological and lexical mismatch detection in 30-month-olds and
adults measured by pupillometry. 18th International Congress of
Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Glasgow, UK, Aug 2015.
N., Abboub, N., Bhatara, A., Höhle,
B., Nazzi, T.Segmentation of
rhythmic speech by French and German infants, 2nd Workshop on
Infant Language Development (WILD), Stockholm, Sweden, June,
K., McKean, C., Gafos, A. & Höhle,
B. Is there a structurel
difference between homorganic and heterorganic clusters? 23rd
Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, UK; May 2015.
N., Bhatara, A., & Höhle, B.
The perception of rhythmic speech: dyslexia and musicality”,
ANPOLL International Psycholinguistics Congress in Honor of
Jacques Mehler, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, March, 2015.
T. & Höhle, B.
Resource allocation in a lexical task: Pupil size as indicator
of phonological and semantic processing in 30-month-old
children. 13th International Congress for the Study of Child
Language (IASCL), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jul 2014.
T., & Höhle, B.
Open your eyes: Pupil size changes indicate mispronunciation
detection in 30-month-old children. XIX Biennal International
Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Berlin, G, Jul 2014.
K., McKean, C., Gafos, A. & Höhle,
B. Using pupillometry to study
lexical representations: Mispronunciation detection in onsets.
22nd Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, UK, May
B., Wellmann, C., Holzgrefe, J. & Wartenburger, I.
Behavioral and ERP responses to prosodic boundaries in German
learning infants: Evidence for an early adult-like cue
weighting. Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD).
Donostia – San Sebastian, June 2013
T., Kedar, Y., Höhle, B.,
& David, D. Children’s interpretation of the function
words ‘and’ and ‘with’: An eyetracking investigation.
Biennal Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development
(SRCD), Seattle, USA, Apr 2013.
T., Höhle, B.,
& Müller, A. The effect of inhibitory control on the
offline and online interpretation of sentences with the focus
particle ‘only’ in children. 11th International
Symposium of Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, Spain, Mar 2013.
J., Schröder, C., Höhle, B.,
& Wartenburger, I. ERPs hint at adult-like perception of
prosodic boundary cues in six-month-old infants. 37th Boston
University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, USA,
Nov 2012.
J., Petrone, C., Schröder, C., Höhle, B., Truckenbrodt,
H., & Wartenburger, I.). Occurrence of
closure positive shift depends on boundary position: An ERP
study on the perception of prosodic information in short
coordinate structures. 10th International Symposium of
Psycholinguistics, Donostia, Spain, April 2011.
S., Darcy, I. & Höhle, B.
Schwa syllables facilitate word segmentation for 9-month-old
German-learning infants. Paper. 33th Boston University
Conference on Language Development. Boston, MA., Oct/Nov 2008
S., Höhle, B. &
Sauerland, U. Implicit measuring of children’s comprehension
of sentences containing a complement taking mental verbs:
Evidence from Eyetracking. Poster, Conference on Language,
Communication and Cognition, University of Brighton, Brighton,
UK, August 2008
(only personally presented)
B. From sound to structure: Phonetic information in early
language development. Keynote. Symposium Typical and Atypical
Language Development (TALDS). Moscow, September 2019.
B. Stability and variability in young children’s word
recognition and word learning. Goethe Universität Frankfurt,
June 2019.
B. Effects of acoustic and visual variability on 14-month-olds’
word learning in the habituation-switch paradigm. University of
Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 2019.
B. Prosodic development in infancy: Behavioral and
neurophysiological evidence. International Child Phonology
Conference (ICPC), Chania (Greece), June 2018.
B. Phonological processing in (impaired) spoken and written
language. Keynote. Summerschool Predictable and Child Brain,
University of Jyväskylä, June 2018.
B. From Speech Input to Linguistic Knowledge. Keynote,
Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Palma de
Mallorca, Sept. 2017
B. Phonological information in language development and language
processing: How to find phonological stability in a sea of
sound. Université Paris Descartes, Laboratoire Psychologie de
la Perception, March 2017
B. Pupillometry as a window into toddlers’ word recognition.
Macquarie University, Sydney, Feb. 2017
B. First Language Acquisition: First Steps and Later
Achievements. Hanse Kolleg Delmenhorst, Oct. 2016
B. Rhythmus und Intonation: Zur Rolle der Prosodie im
Spracherwerb. ISES, München Nov. 2014.
B. Visual worlds and language acquisition at the
semantics/pragmatics interface: German children’s
understanding of focus particles. The 2nd
Attentive Listener in the Visual World
Workshop, Hyderabad, Nov. 2014.
B. Rhythmic processing from infancy to adulthood. Macquarie
University Sydney. Feb 2014
B. Language Acquisition. Science of Aphasia. Bruxelles, Sept
B. Früher Spracherwerb und Spracherwerbsstörungen. Universität
Rostock, Pädiatrisches Kolloquium, July 2013.
B. Phonotactics at the phonology morphology interface: Results
from typical and atypical language acquisition. Utrecht
University, April 2012
B. Prosodie im normalen und gestörten Spracherwerb. Plenary
talk, 13. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des dbs, Marburg, Jan
B. Crossing the boundaries: Phonological cues to early word
segmentation in German or Turkish learning infants. Newhaven
U.S.A., Haskins Laboratories Nov 10, 2010
B. Word segmentation in infancy revisited. University of
Göttingen, Oct 2010
B. What infants know about prosody. Cologne International
Workshop on Prosody, University of Cologne, June, 2010
B. Word categorization by the assistance of frequent frames.
University Paris Descartes, Paris, France, May 2010
B., Poltrock, S. & Fritzsche, T. Developmental Factors in
Eyetracking Studies. Paper, Eyetracking and (A)typical Language
Acquisition: Designing, Implementing, and Interpreting,
Université Francois Rabelais, Tours, France, Dec 2009
B. Early speech perception and later language development.
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, March 2009.
B. Production and comprehension of the German focus particle
auch. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg , Canada, March 2009.
B. Phonologieerwerb im ersten Lebensjahr.
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Nov 209
B., Weissenborn, J., Berger, F., Müller, A. & Schmitz, M.
(2007). Developmental Asymmetries in the
Production and Comprehension of the German Focus Particle AUCH
(also): Interpretative or Processing Difficulties? Workshop on
Information Structure in Adult and Child Language, MPI für
Psycholinguistic, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) March, 2007
B. The Headturn-Paradigm. Workshop Experimental Methods in
Language Acquisition, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, Nov
B. Elicited Imitation. Workshop Experimental Methods in Language
Acquisition Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, Nov 2003.
B. Indikatoren für den Erwerb zielsprachlichen Wissens in der
frühen Sprachperzeption. Universität
Marburg, Jan 2003.
B., Weissenborn, J., Bartels, S., Herold, B. & Hofmann, M.
Behavioral indicators for the discrimination of stress patterns
in 16-week-olds: A study with the headturn preference paradigm.
International Workshop „From Senses to Language“. Berlin,
June 2002.
B. Language acquisition in infancy, Psychological Colloquium,
University of Sunderland, UK, Dec 2001.
B. Functional elements in early language aquisition, Colloquium
of the Linguistics Department. University of Essex, UK, Dec
B. & Weissenborn, J. The origins of lexical representations
for function words: Identification of unstressed elements by
7-12 months-old German-learning infants. Stanford University,
CA, USA, April 2000.
B & Weissenborn, J. The developing lexicon: The emergence of
lexical representations for functional elements. International
Workshop "Development and Interaction of Linguistic and
Non-Linguistic Cognition in Infants", Berlin, February
B. Erkennung von Closed-Class-Elementen im frühen Spracherwerb,
Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften, Universität Leipzig, Oct
B. Phonologische Information in der Sprachverarbeitung,
Kognitionswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Freie Universität
Berlin, Jan 1994.
B. Die Silbe als Einheit der Sprachwahrnehmung, Plenarvortrag
auf der Sommerschule „Sprache und Kognition",
Saarbrücken, Aug 1994.
Talks: General Public and Non-Scientific Professional Audience
B. Gute Bindung = Gute Sprache? Netzwerk Gesunde Kinder
Brandenburg, Potsdam, Nov. 2017
B. Frühindikatoren sprachlicher Entwicklungsrisiken.
Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum des Klinikums Cottbus, März 2014.
B. Signale der Sprachstruktur: Verarbeitung von Prosodie und
Rhythmus im frühen Spracherwerb. 4. Berliner AVT Tagung, Jan
25-26, 2013
B. Frühkindlicher Spracherwerb. Mittwochsbildung, Die
Gemeinnützige. Lübeck, Mai 2011.
B. Früher (Fremd)Spracherwerb in der Grundschule. OECD/CERI
Regionalkonferenz, Graz, 11.11.09
Scholar: B Höhle
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